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shelter in place
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This website is created for the glory of God, to promote an appetite to read the Word, to encourage Brothers and Sisters in the word, and to create a desire in non-Christians to explore the Truth in Jesus Christ. The works herein aren’t meant to be scholarly but rather the result of 50 years in Bible studies with leading of the teaching of the Holy Spirit, and with help of Godly men who have had a history of expository teaching. The focus is to be current events in light of the Word, and on Biblical exposition.
brian pickup
Author of Shelter in Place
Christendom has been under attack since its inception. Gnosticism was already shifting the pillars of the gospel even before the apostles had died. Throughout its history, many groups, especially the Catholic Church and “Christian” mystics have attempted to steer honest seekers and believers away from the Truth with pagan beliefs and rituals. But now there is a turning away from God that is unprecedented. There has always been a drought of knowledge of the Holy Word. This, coupled modern society who has largely allowed themselves to be pacified by the lying devil-inspired mainstream media and five minute video clips on U-tube, Twitter etc. to learn about the world in which we live. Many people have been blinded this phenomenon until they no longer have the patience or the attention span to read the printed word let alone read a book of any kind.
special Acknowledgements
- Brandon Holthaus – Rock Harbor Churc
- Henry Morris – Books (Creation)
- John Valvoord – Pre-trib Books
- J Vernon McGee – Books, Thru the Bible Ministry
- Dr Rob Linsdsted – Truth in Bible Prophecy
- Thomas Ice – Books debates videos